Eduardo Iotti
I enjoy creating High-Impact Digital Experiences.
Hello, I'm Eduardo Iotti, a front-end engineer based in Brazil.
With over a decade in the web industry and a deep expertise in front-end technologies, I bring a commitment to clean code, user-centered design, and modern development practices. From complex e-commerce ecosystems to AI-driven applications, my goal is to build seamless digital experiences that drive user engagement and business growth.
Let's build together a fast and Scalable Web App with TypeScript and NextJS
I focus on providing a seamless user experience, leveraging from the best techs avaliabl: React, TypeScript, NextJS, and TailwindCSS.
Experienced Front-end Engineer
As a front-end engineer, I strive to deliver high-quality software.
NextJS for the win
I specialize in building applications with NextJS, enhancing performance, scalability, and SEO.
React + TypeScript for Scalable Apps
I am dedicated to buildtype-safe, scalable applications using React and TypeScript since 2018.